Every other Saturday, I attend a writing group. It's full of people who love to read and write as much as I do, and we critique each other's work. In yesterday's group, someone asked the fundamental question, "Would you rather write a best-selling novel that isn't that good, or would you rather write an excellent book that hardly anyone reads?"
The question was posed because we were discussing a very popular book that has sold millions, and we all agreed, we didn't love it. As a writer myself, I've realized there are millions of fellow writers out there, and the amount of books is nearly limitless. And everyone will tell you, making a name for yourself and getting your book read is HARD.
For me, I guess I would choose the former and write a best-selling novel that isn't that good. After all, good is subjective, and the more people who read what you write, the more critics that exist. That's life.
What's a book you've really enjoyed, that never got the recognition you felt it deserved? Drop your answer in the comments.
